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Friday, September 9, 2011

Exploring The Forest of Kalimantan

Friday, September 9, 2011

wain forest Exploring The Forest of KalimantanKalimantan is famous by its forest. The Wain River Protected Forest is one of  virgin forests in Kalimantan. It is located in the northern part of Balikpapan, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Wain River Protected Forest is a conservation and research area teeming with diverse life forms and extraordinary tourism potential. This is lowland forest with three forest types, marsh forest, dipterocarp forest and riverine forest. The forest area was first designated a covered forest by the Sultan of Kutai Kingdom in 1934. In 1988, the Forestry Minister designated a further 6100 hectares at Wain River as protected forest. The Wain River Protected Forest serves as a source of clean water for both residents of Balikpapan and the needs of the oil industry. This lowland forest covers a limited area, yet is home to many creatures rarely found elsewhere, including sun bears and no less than nine species of primates including silvery gibbons, proboscis monkey, orangutans, black leaf monkey, macaques and many more. This forest is also the habitat of many birds and insect species.
ORANGUTAN5 Exploring The Forest of KalimantanIn addition, The forest also contains many lowland plant species, including several rare species, such as various type of pitcher plants and Balikpapan ginger which is found only in this forest. Wain River Protected Forest is so dense that its very easy to get lost if you are not accompanied by a forest ranger.
2127138612 8f5ec1d984 Exploring The Forest of KalimantanThis 8 kilometers trail takes five or six hour and takes you through a large part of the Wain River Protected Forest ecotourism area with the possibility of encountering orangutans and sun bears, there are around 60 sun bears in the forest. Another, even more challenging trail takes at least two days.2417897471 673c99cf0d Exploring The Forest of Kalimantan

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