he passion of H.Santosa Doellah for preserving Batik, trigger the idea of building a museum of batik. As one of the Cultural identities, batik is an insperable part of the city of Surakarta - or popularly known as Solo. Batik crafts-starting from home industries to giant professional manufacturers - are a common sight in every corner of the city.The history of Batik Danar Hadi also began in this city, when H. Santosa Doellah and his wife Hj. Danarsih Santosa decided to start their batik business in 1967.The name Danar Hadi itself was actually a combination of two names ; Ibu Danarsih and her father H.Hadipriyono.
Displayed in this gallery are the antique batiks that were created through the period of time before and during the Dutch and Japanese occupancy, till the independence of Indonesia. Observe batik art at its finest, which includes the Batik Kraton, Batik Belanda, Batik Cina, Batik Hokokai, Batik Indonesia and Batik Saudagaran.
The old building of Ndalem Wuryanigratan itself is promised to be an interesting object for cultural tourism, displaying the spendor of traditional Javanese architecture.
1. Location
"Galeri Batik Kuno Danar Hadi" is located at the centre of Surakarta, at Jl. Brig. Jen. Slamet Riyadi No. 261-263, the main street of Surakarta.
2. Background
The founding of this Gallery was based on Mr. Santosa Doellah's wish in his effort in preserving batik since the Gallery's missions are:
a. Preserving batik in any aspects
b. Providing information for the educational society
c. Building another tour asset for Surakarta in particular and for Indonesia in general
3. The Building
a. This Gallery consists of eights halls:
b. Gallery I
c. Gallery II
d. Gallery III
e. Two Showrooms
f. Hand waxing department
g. Stamp waxing department
h. Dyeing department
4. Collections Being Displayed
Gallery I displays:
a. Batik Belanda (from 1840-1910)
b. Batik Cina (before 1910 and after 1910)
c. Batik Djawa Hokokai (1942-1945)
d. Batik Kraton (batik from the palaces)
Batik Puro Mangkunegaran
Batik Puro Pakualaman
Batik Kasunanan Surakarta
Batik Kasultanan Yogyakarta
e. Batik Pengaruh Kraton (batik influenced by the Batik from palaces):
Batik Cirebon
Batik Banyumas
Batik Indramayu (Batik Dermayon)
Batik Madura
f. Batik influenced by The Indian Cloth
g. Batik Danar Hadi
Gallery II displays:
a. Flow of process (Traditional Batik Process)
b. Batik Wax ingredients
c. Batik Indonesia (1950)
d. Batik Wonogiren (1966-1975)
e. Batik Kontemporer
Batik created by Guruh Soekarno Putra
Batik created by Amry Yahya
Batik created by Bambang Oetoro
Batik created by SP. Gustami
Batik created by Soemihardjo
f. Batik Souvenir
5. Processing Department
Batik Process being shown in this gallery are mostly Multi Coloured Batik Process (Batik Pesisiran Processes) applied on silk.
Traditional Performing Arts
Included in the "one stop shopping" concept, Galeri Batik Kuno Danar Hadi will continually stage traditional performing arts or other cultural events from Central Java and nearby regions. Visitors may enjoy a buffet lunch or dinner prepared just for the event.
Artistic Atmosphere of the Workshop
Take advantage in viewing the process of batik making, whether stamped or drawn, which are famous for its high standard of quality.
Exclusive Shop
The shop provides a variety of exclusive items from exclusive batiks, specific souvenirs from Solo and nearby regions, to high quality Javanese antique and ethnic products. Guests may feel comfortable in the attractive and artistic atmosphere of the shop.
Tour Package
"Wisata Budaya Terpadu" Package Offered by Danar Hadi's Antique Batik Gallery
1. Visiting The Gallery $ 2.00/person
Special rate for student $ 1.00/person
2. Visiting The Gallery and The Building with Old Javanese Architecture followed by a short Discussion on Batik (for a minimum of 15 persons)
a. without snack/beverages $ 4.00/person
b. with snacks & aqua $ 5.00/person
c. with lunch $ 9.00/person
d. with lunch and Gamelan Music $ 14.00/person
3. Batik Workshop - one day
(for a minimum of 20 persons)
09.00 am - 16.00 pm with lunch $ 17.50/person
4. Batik Course - five days
(for a minimum 15 persons)
a. without snacks/beverages $ 62.50/person
b. with snacks and aqua + (5 x $ 1.00) $ 67.50/person
c. with lunch + (5 x $ 4.00) $ 87.50/person
1st day :
Visiting The Gallery and The Old Javanese Building
Short discussion on Batik displayed inside The Gallery
Distribute hand-outs and Batik tools
Batik processes
2nd day :
Raw materials for batik
Drawing patterns
3rd day :
Direct dyeing
4th day :
Waxing dyed parts
Dyeing and removing the wax
5th day :
Waxing, brown dyeing, wax removing
5. Lectures / Discussion on Batik
(for a minimum 15 persons) $ 7.00/person
6. Cultural Performances
(for a minimum of 25 persons)
a. Traditional Javanese Dresses
(included Javanese Court dresses) $ 35.00/person
b. Traditional Royal Javanese Wedding Ceremonies
(Surakarta & Yogyakarta) $ 35.00/person
c. Javanese Dance performances (fragments and others) $ 30.00/person
1. Shadow Puppet play $ 30.00/person
2. Wodden Puppet play $ 30.00/person
3. Folk Dances $ 30.00/person
(Including Lunch or Dinner, Tour inside Galeri Batik Kuno Danar Hadi)
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