West Sulawesi
West Sulawesi Province is the extension of South Sulawesi Province which was established through Law No. 26 Year 2004. With Mamuju as the capital city of the province, Administratively, the province is divided into 5 Regencies. Geographically, the province is located in the cross position of the Golden Triangle of South Sulawesi, East Kalimantan, and Central Sulawesi as well as directly faces national and international sailing route of Makassar Straits. Topographic condition of West Sulawesi Province comprises ocean, low land, and high land, has enable the province have fertile land. Climate in the region generally belongs to tropical.
People of coastal area of West Sulawesi are well known as brave marine people. Using their San¬deq boat, the cruise to all over Indonesia and even reaching as far as neighboring country of Malaysia and Australia. Meanwhile, the people who live in mountainous area of the province has cultural similarity with Toraja ethnic in terms of architecture of the house, their language, their cloth as well as in their traditional cere¬mony. West Sulawesi Province has fantastic natural tourism in form of its still natural mountain view, uniqueness of culture of the people, as well as its vast array of tourism objects of special interest which are scattered in its coastal and mountainous areas where special skill needed to enjoy them.
Getting there:
By air: Tampa Padang Airport 27 km from Mamuju capital city.
Belang-Belang Bakengkeng Harbor Mamuju District; Fery Simboro Mamuju Harbor connected Mamuju-Balikpapan, Batulicin, and Surabaya; Ujung Polewali Harbor in Polewali Mandar; Palippi natural harbor in Majene; Manakara Harbor in Mamuju.
Tourism Events
Sandeq Race in Majeneis an annual traditional Mandar boat race that start from Mamuju to Makassar. During the race will be hightlighted by traditional arts and culture performances on August 17, 2008
Places of Interest
Karampuang Island
Karampuang Island in Mamuju Regency. Karampuang Island is a white sanded marine tourism objects with its complete facilities. There are untouched natural coral reefs found surrounding the island.
Tamasapi Waterfall
Tamasapi Waterfall, Mamuju Regency. In this 70 meter high waterfall, tourists may enjoy refreshing weather of the mountain with its clear and natural water.
Banoa Sibatang
Banoa Sibatang. It is a traditional house of Kalumpang in Mamuju Regency with its specific construction and form which is very attractive.
Custom House of Mamuju
Custom House of Mamuju. Custom House of Mamuju consists of several complex of building, namely: Salssa (House of King) which serve as the main house, bandara raja (royal family), pengawal raja (guard), lumbung pangan (food barn), black smith, gold crafter, horse stall, and deer stall complex.
Majene 302 Kms from Makassar in the Western port of Sulawesi has a long beach line. The view in the coastal area is mostly covered with white sand. This town is famous for its silk “Sarong Mandor Weaving”
Limboro Natural Hot Water Bathing Place
Limboro Natural Hot Water Bathing Place. It is located at the top of Limboro Mountains with its cool weather, beautiful natural scenery of cocoa and nutmeg plantation area.
Sandeq Boat
Sandeq Boat. It is an international fastest sailing boat contest. This boat has its own specifics which functions as fishing boat as well as race boat where each year boat ra¬cing of this kind is held to encourage marine development.
Mandar Museum in Mamuju Regency. Used to keep and preserve historical remains.
Cemetery Complex of King and Royal Family
Cemetery Complex of King and Royal Family. This graveyard is located in a hill of 50 meter above sea level high in Mamuju Regency. From this place, visitors can enjoy the beauty of Majene City beneath.
Palippis Beach
Palippis Beach. This is a marine tourism object in Polewali Mandar regency with a beautiful and attractive natural panorama comprising a blend white sand, hills, and natural caves.
Gusung Toraya Island.
Gusung Toraya Island. This 1.5 Ha island in Polewali Mandar has beautiful beach panorama as there are vast array of clean white sands, a suitable place for sun bathing, swimming, fishing and having recrea¬tion.
Kunyi Natural Tourism.
Kunyi Natural Tourism. It is a tourism object of a three storey 30 meter high waterfall with its clear, clean and cool water, surrounded by plantation of lansium fruit, durian, rambutan, and coffee and serves as a place for agro tourism.
Liawan Waterfall
Liawan Waterfall. This waterfall is located in the forest, Mamasa regency where the place is also accomplished with camping ground. In this area, a number of facilities to have rest, to cook, and to roast fish.
Mambulilling Mountain
Mambulilling Mountain. This 2,741 m high mountain is the ideal destination for those who loves mountain climbing. The mountain has an attractive mountain panorama, suitable for trekking.
Panorama of Mussa Ballepeu.
Panorama of Mussa Ballepeu. Along the way to this 1600 m above sea level tourism object, tourists can enjoy beautiful mountain views, historical tourism objects, and traditional kampongs of Mamasa.
Karampuang Island
Karampuang Island is a white sanded marine tourism objects with its complete facilities. There are untouched natural coral reefs found surrounding the island.
Sollokan Waterfall
Sollokan Waterfall and Malimbong Natural Hot Water Spring. These objects are located in the tourism entrance gate of Mamasa from the south. These place are also suitable for adventurer tourism.
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